Saturday, May 26, 2007

Patriot Act - How Patriotic is It?

The Patriot Act was signed into law on October 26, 2001.

The PATRIOT Act, which is an acronym for Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism, permits the following:

*Secret FBI and Police searches of your home and office.

*Secret government wiretaps on your phone, computer and/ or Internet activity.

*Secret investigations of your bank records, credit cards and other financial records.

*Secret investigations of your library and book activities.

*Secret examinations of your medical records.

*The freezing of funds and assets without prior notice or appeal.


Now my point is why was this even signed into legislation, this is a huge blow to our Constitutional rights of privacy and free speech. The use of fear mongering to get this bill passed is unprecedented. Now if our establishment wants to say that we were attacked on 9/11 because they hated our freedoms and rights, then why is it that this establishment is taking them away to protect us from the people who want to kill us for these rights? Double-think isn't it, and quite frankly its idiotic. No one with a brain should give up their liberties for freedom, for you are only being enslaved by another force. I find the use of the name Patriotic in the bill to be a low blow. Were the legislators afraid to say no against the bill because they were afraid they would be considered un-patriotic? Did they buy into all the fear-mongering that most of us did? Or did they even read the bill?

Benjamin Franklin once said "They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security". I feel this quote is important to this argument. Never shall we give our freedoms up for a sense of security. Never give up what are forefathers faught and died for so you can feel safe from "terrorists". Terrorists are not going away they have been with civilization since the start and will continue in the future, so this War on Terror essentially has no ending.

I don't understand some people's mindset when they say they don't mind being surveilled because they have nothing to hide. The government has no right to surveil you. The government's main job is to protect your freedoms and life, instead they are taking your freedoms away and enslaving you into their system. They have plans to pass a National I.D. card through the Real I.D. Act which thankfully a lot of states are opposing. I think a big thing people have a problem with is that they think the government is suppose to be their friend. This mindset is what is getting us into trouble. By not keeping proper checks on them and being called unpatriotic if you question them really hinders our freedoms. Stand up for what you believe in, resist those who try to bring you down, and maybe this world will get back on track.

Think for Yourself,
Question Authority

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